No Borders
For Music
No Borders For Music

Josef Salvat

27. April 2016, Josef Salvat

Our guitar in the hands of Josef Salvat, one of the international newcomers in the electro pop scene. Check out his new Album "Night Swim" with a great sound, and little stories between the lines.

Lovely photo

12. April 2016, Anke Haas

Our guitar is currently in good hands at Anke from Dresden. Thank you for that lovely photo.

Unite - Song from 5 continents

20. February 2016, Thomas Zwijsen

This song was composed by fingerstyle & classical guitarist Thomas Zwijsen from Belgium.

This song talks about how beautiful the world can be, united by the oceans and the nature. In this video Thomas and the other musicians wanted to show some of the most impressive places this music has taken them to. The have been filming in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and North America.

Unite - Song from 5 continents

Ich werde Tanzen

01. February 2016, Anna Project

Hallo liebes Team von der Reisenden Gitarre!

Ich habe gestern mit einer Freundin Musik aufgenommen, die zum allerersten Mal überhaupt in ihrem Leben etwas aufgenommen hat. Wir haben es auf ein frisch gegründetes Soundcloudprojekt hochgeladen, und hoffen dass unser kleiner Beitrag zu eurem fantastischen Gitarrenprojekt ein paar nette, wenn auch aus einem Hobby-Musik-Projekt entstandene Höreindrücke vermittelt. Die Profis auf eurer Seite haben ja schon echt coole Beiträge geleistet, wir wollen uns da nicht hervortun, sondern einfach aus Freude am Projekt hintenanstellen. Weil wir den Klang eurer Gitarre eben mögen, und es uns zum ersten Aufnehmen inspiriert hat. Wir hoffen dass unserem Beispiel noch viele andere Leute folgen. Man schiebt das erste Aufnehmen (oder eben dann das Publizieren) als Anfänger ja gegebenenfalls immer wieder voraus und voraus und voraus - bis man dann eben besser ist. Aber ich dachte mir, meine Freundin eben einfach mal zu animieren, damit sie sich traut ihren ersten Stand einfach mal zu dokumentieren. Gerade mit dieser Gitarre, die so viel weicher klingt als ihre eigene Stahlsaitengitarre, das fand auch die Hobby-Sängerin und Songwriterin. Meine Message an euch alle, die ihr die Gitarre nach uns bekommt: join in! Macht einfach mal eine kleine Aufnahme. Ihr könnt sie ja anonym halten, oder euch einen lustigen Namen geben. Der Name Anna Projekt existiert übrigens auch nur seit und vielleicht nur für diesen einzigen Anlass. Wir sind jetzt jedenfalls erst mal auf Rückmeldungen gespannt, und hoffen dass da ein paar nette kommen werden. Bewusst ist uns ja durchaus, dass wir keine Profis und eben auch keine Berufsmusiker sind, und an diese auch nicht heranreichen würden. Was bei uns aber definitiv eine Rolle spielt ist das Herz für die Musik, die Leidenschaft, und der Wille besser zu werden. Durch Üben, Hören, Probieren. Und ab heute auch durch ab und zu mal was Aufnehmen.

Wir hoffen ferner, dass die Gitarre noch viele nette Leute treffen wird. Kommende Woche geben wir sie weiter an Eva Glöß, die hier in Dresden ein Konzert spielen wird. Die Gitarre klingt wirklich schön, und wird noch viele Hände und Ohren glücklich machen.

Noch ein Wort zu euch Initiatoren. Ich finde das Projekt hervorragend, weil ihr ja damit Grenzen überwindet. Von sowas hab ich noch nie gehört, was das Medium Instrument anbelangt. Ich hatte mal eine CD von einem Projekt CAN I RIDE IN YOUR BACKPACK von Marion Fiedler in der Hand, und natürlich etliche Book-Crossing-Bücher. Aber dass ihr ein Instrument auf die Reise schickt ist echt cool.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, und viel Freude mit unserem kleinen Musikbeitrag.

JB aus Dresden

Does Anybody Know?

29. January 2016, No Stress Band

Gianni with his "No Stress Band" from Warsaw/Poland send us their song for No Borders For Music to support us. We would like to share this song with you.

His Statement:
"I wrote this song ''Does anybody know why we are here'' a couple of years ago in India. I travel for work from Poland , to India , Italy and Canada every month. But I keep a guitar in each city I live, so have fun writing songs when I can. The song became a part of the cd called ''Positive Intentions'' recorded with my
band called No stress band. Everbody out are the world...enjoy it."

Watch You Fly

27. January 2016, Andriej Kotin

Andriej was born in Moscow and lives in Poland now for over 15 years. He sent us his "Love Song" to support our campaign No Borders For Music. 

" I wrote it for a girl with whom I fell in love. However it could be also seen as a song about freedom, about giving wings to someone you love without expecting anything else from this person. And this actually is the real "statement" of the song. Just spreading your love away without expect something back for your feelings."


22. January 2016, Eva Glöß

Eva Artesano Sonata

Eva Glöß from Wittenberg: I love this idea of sending the guitar into the world! I think its courageous, and will change the world a little bit. I cant wait to get to know more musicians who will play this instrument. In 2 weeks I'll present this guitar and project during my concert 'Wohnzimmerlieder' in Gruna (6. February 7pm/19 Uhr in der EKG Winterbergstrasse 19 in Dresden).

The Ballad Fiddler

18. January 2016, The Ballad Fiddler, Marion Fiedler

Hey guys! Loved your song so much! We made a little video of it and hope that you like it! Big hug, Marion

Posted by Marion Fiedler on Sonntag, 17. Januar 2016

Our guitar met The Ballad Fiddler from Ireland in Dresden. Enjoy their song...

"Dear Marion, thank you so much for inviting us. It was such a lovely evening. Thank you for your interest in Irish Folk and in "our" music and thank you so much for letting me play your traveling guitar. Great feeling to it. Hope to see you again soon, Take care, Diana"

Desert Song

15. January 2016, Falco Fink, Brahim Wone

A Song from Brahim Wone from Dakar. Guitarist Falco Fink, professional guitarist, get in touch with the No Borders For Music guitar and recorded a song from Brahim.

His statement:

„I attended a newcomer workshop with my friends a couple of days ago. This way I have found out about this wonderful guitar that goes traveling now. We all played it and made funny videos. When we heard today that those may be shared I picked the best of those videos. This is Brahim Wone playing his desert song. He is incredibly talented. We all loved the guitar, and miss it now. But we wish it safe travels, and ask all musicians who come after us to pass the guitar on so it can travel happily. I want this guitar to still have beautiful journeys ahead, and I want to hear your sounds.”

Falco Fink, guitar player // guitar player of the desert song: Brahim Wone from Dakar, Senegal

Because Love Wins

06. January 2016, Marion Fiedler

I wanted to share this song with you - it´s a song for peace - Because love wins. I wish you all a peaceful and happy 2016. I can´t wait to hear more people playing on the guitar during its travels! Hugs! Marion

Marion Fiedler's song

04. January 2016, Marion Fiedler

"I love this guitar! When I held in my hand for the first time I could not stop playing it! I remember it very well. Today I take part in this exciting project in which this guitar gets to cross borders ... from hand to hand. I can't wit to hear all the exciting sounds.

I wrote songs on this guitar which you find on my website and social media platforms. One song is called TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE DREAMING: I want people to start talking to each other again, if not dream together. Lonely dreamers don´t have those wings that carry them to unimagined places in life.

Also, I wrote ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC for this project. I will record it in January for you. Feel free to subscribe to my project - talk to you soon! Make sure to leave your music also!! Talk to you soon!"

Sincerely, Marion

What is No Borders for Music?

01. January 2016, Marion Fiedler


Dear Guitar Friends,

the team of "No Borders For Music" would like to make a musical statement together with you for a peaceful coexistence in the world. We all love the music and making music. With music, we can convey our feelings to other people and inspire them. Music connects people. Music knows no borders. What happens during the campaign "No Borders For Music"?
The "No Borders For Music"-guitar is going to begin its trip with a musician in Germany in January 2016. The guitar will be passed on to a good friend after a week and thus finally goes on tour. We are curious what experience the musician will make with this guitar and which songs will be created playing her with the theme "No Borders For Music".

Do you want to support us or have a song under the theme No Borders For Music?

You can send us your photos or your song with the theme No Borders For Music via e-mail to or share it with us on Facebook.

Let us set an example! No Borders For Music!

Your No Borders For Music Team


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