No Borders
For Music
No Borders For Music

Peter aus Klagenfurt (Part 2)

03. January 2023, Peter from Klagenfurt


Später dann war sie mit in Kroatien auf einer relaxten Bootstour. Abends bei etwas Wellengang auf dem leicht schaukelnden Deck zu sitzen, auf die Lichter des nahen Fischerdorfes zu schauen, sonst nur die Sterne am Himmel und so viel Ruhe, dass man selbst nur leise spielen will. Das waren weitere unvergessliche Eindrücke.
Den letzten Trip machten wir am Ende des Sommers in den Bikepark Leogang. Dort war es dann allerdings schon empfindlich frisch und auf den Trails hatte es bereits am ersten Tag kräftig geschneit, so dass biken kaum möglich war. Also haben wir einfach eine wunderbare Wanderung durch den Schnee auf eine der vielen Hütten unternommen. Und diesmal war die NBfM-Gitarre dabei – in der Gondel, im Schnee, in der Hütte, bei winterlicher Kälte draußen und molliger Ofenwärme drinnen. Das Erstaunliche: sie hat nichts davon übelgenommen und funktionierte immer perfekt!
Und zum gebührenden Abschied habe ich das wunderbare Instrument bei mir zuhause in Klagenfurt mit an den Wörthersee genommen, um dort in den spätsommerlichen Sonnenstrahlen noch ein wenig zu spielen, bevor ich sie weitergeben musste.
Ich feiere die „No Borders für Music“ Idee und sage nicht nur vielen, vielen Dank an die Initiatoren für die tolle Möglichkeit, ein so feines Instrument auf Zeit spielen zu dürfen, sondern auch mindestens ebenso vielen Dank für das Vertrauen und den Spirit, die ihr allen Leuten gebt, die Teil dieser wunderbaren Aktion sein dürfen.
Gleichzeitig wünsche ich allen, die in Zukunft in den Genuss der NBfM-Gitarre kommen, viel Spaß und eine ebenso tolle Zeit, wie ich sie hatte!   D. A. N. K. E.  ! ! !

Peter from Klagenfurt (Part 2)

Then later she was with me in Croatia on a relaxed boat trip. Sitting on the slightly rocking deck in the evening with a little swell, looking at the lights of the nearby fishing village, otherwise only the stars in the sky and so much peace and quiet that you just want to play quietly yourself. Those were more unforgettable impressions.
The last trip we made was to the Leogang Bike Park at the end of the summer. However, it was already very fresh there and it had already snowed heavily on the trails on the first day, so that biking was hardly possible. So we just went for a wonderful hike through the snow to one of the many huts. And this time the NBfM guitar was with us - in the gondola, in the snow, in the hut, in the wintry cold outside and the cosy warmth of the oven inside. The amazing thing: it didn't take any of it amiss and always worked perfectly!
And as a fitting farewell, I took the wonderful instrument with me to the Wörthersee at my home in Klagenfurt to play a little more in the late summer sunshine before I had to pass her on.
I celebrate the "No Borders for Music" idea and say not only many, many thanks to the initiators for the great opportunity to play such a fine instrument for a limited time, but also at least as many thanks for the trust and spirit you give to all the people who are allowed to be part of this wonderful action.
At the same time, I wish everyone who will be able to enjoy the NBfM guitar in the future lots of fun and just as great a time as I had!   D. A. N. K. E. ! ! !

Peter aus Klagenfurt (Part 1)

12. December 2022, Peter from Klagenfurt

„No Borders for Music – was für eine großartige Idee. Eine Gitarre reist um die Welt, darf von jeder/m, die/der will, auf Zeit bespielt werden und wird dann einfach weitergegeben. Musik ist ja an sich schon menschenverbindend, aber diese Aktion trägt zusätzlich vielleicht mehr zur Völkerverständigung bei als so manche staatlich gesteuerte Aktion.
Vielen Dank an den lieben Carsten, der mir zum einen diese wundervolle NBfM-Gitarre überlassen hat und zum anderen - und das vor allem - mir nicht übelgenommen hat, dass ich sie am Ende doch ziemlich lange bei mir hatte, bevor ich sie weitergab (nochmals sorry, lieber Carsten). Wir waren in diesem Sommer einfach viel unterwegs und das tolle Instrument hat uns auf jedem Trip so viel Spaß bereitet, dass ich nicht anders konnte als sie zum nächsten wieder mitzunehmen.
Und so hatte sie mich nacheinander an verschiedene Plätze begleitet. Zunächst waren wir zusammen in Tschechien, wo ich extrem genossen habe, sie in der Sonne am Fuße der Lysa Hora (dem höchsten Berg der Mährisch-Schlesischen Beskiden) zu spielen. Damals hatte ich mich noch nicht getraut, sie mit auf den Gipfel zu nehmen, aber meine Ehrfurcht wurde mit der Zeit von der Neugier und der Lust, das Ding einfach überall zu spielen, verdrängt, wie ihr später sehen werdet…”

Peter from Klagenfurt (Part 1)

"No Borders for Music - what a great idea. A guitar travels around the world, can be played by anyone who wants to for a while and is then simply passed on. Music in itself connects people, but this action perhaps contributes more to international understanding than many a state-controlled action.
Many thanks to dear Carsten, who on the one hand gave me this wonderful NBfM guitar and on the other hand - and most importantly - did not hold it against me that I had it with me for quite a long time in the end before I passed it on (sorry again, dear Carsten). We were simply on the road a lot this summer and the great instrument gave us so much fun on every trip that I couldn't help but take her along again for the next one.
And so she accompanied me to different places one after the other. First, we were together in the Czech Republic, where I extremely enjoyed playing it in the sun at the foot of the Lysa Hora (the highest mountain in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids). At that time I didn't dare to take her with me to the top, but my awe was over time superseded by curiosity and the desire to just play the thing everywhere, as you will see later..."

Florian and Matthias

24. June 2021, Florian Hofmann

Many greetings from Florian and Matthias from Moos-Bankholzen. The guitar traveled to Hechingen now.

Viele Grüße von Florian und Matthias aus Moos-Bankholzen. Die Gitarre ist jetzt nach Hechingen gereist.

Andi's video greetings from Stuttgart

22. June 2021, Andi

Yeah, some new stuff from our travelling guitar! Thank you for sending this video Andreas from Stuttgart in Germany.

Julia aus Gunzenhausen

09. October 2020, Julia

And it is travelling and travelling... Julia from Gunzenhausen send some greetings to us. Thank you for the photo!

Martin aus Augsburg

09. October 2020, Martin

It is a long time ago, that we have heard something from our travelling guitar. Martin from Augsburg sent us this picture, enjoying our guitar. The guitar is now on its way to Gunzenhausen.

Chris aus Augsburg

10. February 2020, Christian Rücker

Chris from Augsburg sent us his video to our Project. His message for you: "Let yourself be guided by your heart. Feel the music and enjoy your own music."

Chris aus Augsburg hat uns ein Video zukommen lassen. Seine Botschaft an euch: "Lass dich dich von deinem Herz leiten. Fühle die Musik und genieße deine eigene Musik."

Thank you Chris!

Refem da solidão - Baden Powell / Paulo César Pinheiro

10. August 2018, Ingmar Sterke, Ivy Lemos

Ivy Lemos & Ingmar Sterke duo duo from Rotterdam recorded a song with our No Borders For Music guitar, which has been going from musician to musician for over 2.5 years. We are so happy to see that our guitar meets such lovely people.

Ivy's comment to this video:

„I met Ingmar Sterke in Rotterdam because of music and we became very good friends. We have a special project for string instruments and voice. When it comes to guitar we play gladly songs from Baden Powell and Paulo Cesar Pinheiro who also were very good friends. Paulo Cesar Pinheiro started writing lyrics since he was 14 years old and today he is one of the most recorded poets in Brazilian music. In 2016 I had the honor of meeting Paulo Cesar Pinheiro in Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.“

Ivy Lemos

13. July 2018, Ivy Lemos

Ivy Lemos

After more than two and a half years traveling, the dear Ivy From Rotterdam has sent us an acutal photo of our No Borders For Music guitar. The theme is never as present as it is today. Let us never lose the humanity. Help people in need! That can never be wrong. We are looking forward to her song, which she will soon record for our project.

Anne Bakker - Go To Sleep

09. January 2018, Anne Bakker

Anne Bakker and our guitar

The last post has been a while, but we had constantly contact to the guitar and musicians all the time. We are proud to see, that a lot of musicans has fun to take part in our project. Have a look and listen to Anne Bakker, a professional violinist from the Netherlands.

She wrote this:
"I recorded this snippet of my song ‘Go to Sleep’ for No Borders For Music at dolmen D18 in Rolde, Drenthe. My friend Thomas Zwijsen handed me this 'traveling guitar', and I will pass it along soon! These prehistoric monuments where built about 5000 years ago and served as human burial sites. The exact way the dolmens were constructed is still considered to be a mystery. "

More music from Anne Bakker:

Wasted Years - Iron Maiden Cover

10. April 2017, Thomas Zwijsen

Listen to this version from Thomas Zwijsen of the Iron Maiden song "Wasted Years". This song is about touring, travelling and missing home. Our guitar met him at musikmesse Frankfurt last friday. Enjoy it!

James Partoir - Birth

15. March 2017, James Partoir

Last week our guitar had a good time with James Partoir. Listen to his new song "Birth"!

His message to you out there:

"This instrumental is about new life. All over the world life is being created, continuously and it's beautiful to watch it grow.

Thanks to "No Borders For Music" for the invitation to be a part of this project. It was fun to play the travelling guitar and good to know people out there who want to connect humanity through music. It is one of the most peaceful ways I know."

All the best

Travel Report

03. March 2017, Marion Fiedler, The Ballad Fiddler, Eva Glöß

Our travel book is filling up very well. Thanks for the notes. Of course, not everyone dared to introduce themselves. The guitar has been traveling for 15 months and is now being handed over in Marburg.

Best wishes, your No Borders For Music Team

Samuel Bos & Band

06. February 2017, Samuel Bos

Our guitar had a great week with Samuel Bos & Band. Enjoy their Song „Closer To The Sun”.

Samuel: „When we heared about the project we were happy to join it and perform an original song  in our living rooms which is called „Closer to the sun” It is about a roadtrip into the sunny south on which one gets to meet new people,  seeing new places and be open minded to whatever adventure might happen.

We hope this guitar will be played by a lot of musicians and will be a symbol of unification and communication with our common language that knows no borders – the music.”

Albert and Ralf

18. January 2017, Albert Kunze, Ralf Schneider

Albert Kunze and Ralf Schneider sat together playing some songs.

Really well suited for our agenda, they travelled throughout Europe, South West Asia and Northern Africa.

Sa kore sam - Romani Traditional

Makh tsu di eygelekh - Isaiah Shpigl & Dovid Beyglman

Raoui - Souad Massi

Yastayim - Kibariye

Asma asmaton - Mikis Theodorakis & Jakovos Kambanellis

Ralf Schneider from Hechingen

03. November 2016, Ralf Schneider

Ralf and Gabi show us what's it all about.
Let´s play music. No matter where you're from or where you're going to.

Romsko Bitolsko


The wedding ceremony

30. May 2016, Melissa Vulpius


Our guitar was played on Saturday at a christening and wedding ceremony in the Castle Church in Zuschendorf. It was wonderful. Enclosed is a picture of Melissa Vulpius, who stir with her voice the newlyweds and guests to tears.


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